Tagged: predatory energy

A stack of rocks is being knocked out by a surf. The synergy created can represent energetic PTSD

Energetic PTSD

PTSD seems to occur after intense and prolonged energetic traumas, just like it does from intense and or prolonged physical experiences. It is interesting that I often observe that the prolonged intense energetic experiences can be caused by the individual themselves.

Graphic composition of opposing forces colliding against each other can be seen as a representation of possessions and demons

In-depth Article: Possessions and Demons

I want to briefly cover a subject that is not easy to talk about in our society: possessions and demons.

Quite often, clients ask me if they do exist and how much effect they have on our personal day-to-day lives.

A marble bust sitting next to a simple block of marble can represent the predatory energy known as ego

Predatory Energy 4: Ego

This series on predatory energy is taking a brief look at some of the many ways energy effects us. This time I am going to talk about our own egos and how any one of thousands of scenarios can hold a person hostage.

A Renaissance painting of a man with three faces is a good example of the predatory energy that lies within all of us

Predatory Energy 3: Within

With in every human life there is a duality, the soul and the animal.  The soul has the knowledge of every breath and existence that we have ever experienced on every level.  The animal can be looked at in many ways but for the purpose of this discussion, I would like to address the connection between the brain and the body.

An old library with books taking all space in the wall is being used to represent how culture can also be a type of predatory energy

Predatory Energy: Culture

Last time I introduced these thoughts:

What is predatory energy? In loose terms, predatory energy is any form of energy that can or wants to influence your energy, thereby removing the free will of the soul.

An older man with eyes closed and covering part of his face with his hand can show the predatory energy known as curse

Predatory Energy: Curses

What is predatory energy? In lose terms: Any form of energy that wants to influence your energy. Thereby removing the free will of the soul.